While at Russell’s studio I met his hippie apprentice Danny Crump. After the ride and feed Russ showed me this online piece the paper did on Danny. I loved it, have a look.
Just did a quick LA road trip---hate airports in times like these. I got in two bikes rides (forgot the camera) near Zion National Park with my old friend Russell Wrankle the artist. We had some good laughs.
Ben Unguren from NYC, visiting the oi office. Thanks for the help, wish you lived closer, but glad you are doing your New York thing. Good luck. Check it out Ben is sitting on my diving board coffee table. I rescued that diving board from the city pool, one of my favorite pieces of furniture.
Nigel Sylvester in Brooklyn while we were shooting a BMX street spot for Fuel TV.
this was our first gig with the HVX, worked like a champ, even when hanging out of a van.
here's a still from a 30 second spot we are doing right now. it's about 2 dudes makeing art in the streets, in a bit of serendipity, it rained at the end of the shoot makeing a perfect ending for the spot.
It was good. Now they are back in school today. Summer over?
Years ago by brother got me into sailing---been working on the Hobie Cat all summer to party on the lake with the kids tomorrow. These boats are fun as hell and no gas.
After the X-Games got to relax with the family. Took the kids surfing for the first time at Doheny. It is a perfect place to teach the kids to surf. This photo is my boy Fish, 8, on his first day of surfing.
Just got done filming a week of the X-Games but must admit at I had more fun at Sean Ziebarth’s pool in Orange County.
I wouldn't describe the progress as lightning quick, but at least they've started. Site Design Group skate park, American Fork Utah
I'm catching up on some stuff today, can you tell? I never gave the beard a proper send off. So here's the before and after pics. I think it was just over 5 months. Steve says I looked like a serial killer with the beard. I'll admit that I look pretty grumpy in that picture.
we got another tool for our documentary tool box. It's a different way of thinking when your shooting. The workflow feels a lot more like a digital still camera as opposed to shooting to tape or film. So far it's been fantastic. I'll be posting more detailed thoughts about it either here or at hvxuser
A couple days ago we finished off the last bits of the Behind the scenes stuff for Nacho Libre Here's a shot of steve shooting the commentary.