I have always been a big fan of the Olympics. This week I had a chance to shoot at the Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista, California. Super fit people everywhere. Insane cafeteria food. BMX racing with be in the Olympic for the first time this year. This photo Jill Kintner working with her trainer with a heavy ball.
In So. Cal. Had lunch at my favorite Laguna Beach burrito place with Hans Rey. He just got back from Africa and Europe, we talked about possibly working together on a film project with his charity, Wheels 4 Life.
Been in Baltimore with Nasty to visit his buddy Stephen Murray. In this photo Nasty is technically not grabbing himself, he is just lifting up his underwear so you can get a good look at his blown out knee after surgery.
click here to see a little bit of what i've been shooting the last two days.
I'm in Norway shooting The Arctic Challenge note the absence of my beard which lasted about 4 months.
My neighbor and BMXer for life Micah Bauer started an on-line BMX/ART magazine. He included an interview with me for his first issue. It is called f15teen.
we just got back from the Chicago area wind chill 30 below zero-yikes last New Pollution of segment of season #2 Jessi the midwest snowboarder, also plays bass thanks higgy family, it was fun
Been filming Nasty for a few weeks now for the pilot of the Nasty documentary series for Fuel TV. He is a funny bold kid that is very fun to film. He understands what this series could be. More later.
spent the day yesterday shooting sculptor Jeff Decker. He had a giant pour going on so I rolled down to shoot it for him. We've been filming jeff for years. Super funny historian, artist, culture archivist.