
Testing 1, 2, 3.
Could not post for a few days...anyway I think I fixed it...I just had to upgrade my junk!
This is a photo of David.
Tim and I had a photo contest in Italy.
Who could get the best shot of Dave without getting yelled at my the crazy Italian guard lady.
My favorite memory of the photo contest is of Tim taking stealth photos under his jacket.


bh said...

Hi Tim...I looked for a email address for you, to no avail. I interviewed Justin Stevens a few years ago and he cited you as one of his biggest influences, and I have been semi-following your work since. Loved "We Jam Econo!"I am very much interested in the Jawbreaker documentary, as well as getting my hands on one of those oi shirts. Where might I get some more info? My email is anthemwakeboards@gmail.com if it makes things easier on you...Take care!

ti said...


man thanks for the kind words. Justin is a huge inspiration for me as well. What was your interview for? As far as the oi documentary shirts go, I'm thinkin of a few more contests that i'll set off in the next day or so. stay tuned!


bh said...

Tim...The interview was for a creative nonfiction writing class. Justin's got one of the most unique styles in wake movies; I've been wakeboaring for 13 years and have always enjoyed his stuff. Anyway, good luck in the future and I'll keep my ear to the ground for sure! Take care...


English said...

I might win with this.

ti said...

Holy Crap keith!! you win for sure, haven't talked to you in days, hit me back.
